
Electronic Proxy Voting

The websites below provide detailed instructions on how to vote your TDS shares over the Internet. You will be asked to enter your control number(s) to ensure the security of your vote. Your control number is located on the printed Proxy Card or Voting Instruction Form you received with your Proxy Statement. If you received your proxy materials electronically, your control number is contained in the e-mail you received.


There is no charge for access to or use of this web page. No personal information is captured by your use of this page, and this page does not infringe on your anonymity. You do not need to provide any information to use this web page (except that you will need to provide your control or identification number if you link to the voting sites at left).

Registered Shareholders

You are a Registered Shareholder if you hold your shares in your own name with our transfer agent, Computershare.

Vote Now at

Beneficial Shareholders

You are a Beneficial or “Street Name” Shareholder if you hold your shares through a broker, bank, or other nominee.

Vote Now at

Electronic Delivery

Help TDS save on postage and printing expenses, and conserve natural resources, by consenting to receive future TDS proxy statements, annual reports, and related materials via e-mail or the Internet. After you sign up for electronic delivery, you will receive e-mail notifications when these materials are available online. Consent to electronic delivery is valid until revoked by the shareholder.

Beneficial Shareholders can enroll in Electronic Delivery at (account number required).

Supporting Materials

Per SEC regulations, below are proxy materials for the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held May 22, 2024. To vote your shares, use the links provided above or use the Proxy Card or Voting Instruction Form that you received in the mail or via e-mail. Do not use the Proxy Card facsimiles below. To download the materials in PDF format, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

TDS will continue to mail printed copies of the above materials to all shareholders who have not requested Electronic Delivery (see sidebar at right), rather than only provide notice that they are available in electronic format. TDS will post all proxy solicitation materials to this web page the same day that such materials are sent, filed, or issued.

Under SEC rules, proxy materials are being sent to Beneficial or "Street Name" shareholders electronically via access to the Internet. Shareholders who have enrolled in Electronic Delivery will also receive materials via email or the Internet. TDS will continue to mail printed copies of the above materials to other shareholders. TDS will post all proxy solicitation materials to this web pages the same day that such materials are sent, filed, or issued.